Tuesday, 22 July 2014

 My open letter to the author of an Article in The Hindu that in my assessment  has a potential of spreading Islamophobia and Create wide spread Xenophobia against Muslim Minority Groups in whichever Country they are in a Minority.

Subject : Your “ Easily Marketed to SANGHIS, the ZIONIST and the WEST– Article” -   “Under the shadow of the Caliphate” – The Hindu, July 18, 2014!

1.    Are you REALLY a PRACTICING Muslim or only a NAMESAKE Muslim ?

2.    If you are the former, then how deeply is your “IMAN”? Do you really believe at least in the “CORE THEOSOPHICAL ESSENCE” of the Islamic Faith as CODIFIED (Summarised) in the FIVE “KALIMAS” and the “IMAN-E-MUJAMMIL” and the “IMAN-E-MUFASSIL” or  as I suspect, you have either never even SUPERFICIALLY uttered them without believing in them   OR you were taught about them in your Childhood  as well as the Theosophy and the History behind them but you have forgotten them long time ago and NEVER BOTHERED SINCE to rejuvenate even your fundamental knowledge / faith in Islam – The Path to REAL / ETERNAL  peace here and the hereafter?!

3.    Since from all angles, apparently, YOU appear to be only a “NAMESAKE” Muslim who doesn’t believe in ANY of the  ISLAMIC  PRACTICES including the REAL CONCEPT  and its PRACTICAL CONCEPTUALISATION and PRACTICAL MANIFESTATION through the CORRECT and TRUTHFUL and the ONLY JUSTIFIED PEACEFUL  PATH as  enshrined in the TEACHINGS of the Prophet Mohamed ,Salle – Alaihi –o- Sallam [Peace Be Upon Him] of  the Caliphate, for the ONLY  PURPOSE of successfully retaining the UMMAH on the “SIRAT-E-MUSTAKEEM – The Straight Path” that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the METHOD that the TERRORIST GROUP ISIS has been OFFERING now, WHY don’t you DECLARE yourselves to be EITHER an Atheist or IF you have SECRETLY  given up the Islamic Faith for whatever reason / rationale and adopted a “MORE ACCEPTABLE  to the WEST and the REST of the world faiths such as Christianity or  ( Zionist ) – Judaism or Hinduism ( FAITH of the majority of  CLIENTS in Your new MARKET in INDIA, for selling ISLAMOPHOBIC BOOKS and ARTICLES! ), WHY don’t you DECLARE this FACT  instead of HIDING behind the CLOAK of a MUSLIM NAME?

4.    But if you  have even some MINISCULE level of ISLAMIC faith left inside your heart  and mind or sympathy / empathy  for ALL of  its  Real and Superficial Practitioners such as US – the Muslims in India, I would REQUEST you to STOP  writing these kind of  KNEE JERK ARTICLES with an Idea of their EASY MARKETABILITY in a PARTICULAR  CONTEXT, that only Further Inflame the PASSIONS of  ISLAMOPHOBIA even in India where MUSLIMS by and large have and are fully abiding by the Nation’s Constitution despite FREQUENT PERIODICAL Orchestrated minor / major RIOTS / POGROMS / GENOCIDES such as Gujarat – 1969, Jamshedpur, Meerut, Bhagalpur, Bhiwandi, Mumbai – 1993, “Post Babri Masjid Demolition Major Riots all over the Country”  AND above all of them GUJARAT - 2002 and the two most recent, Minor in comparison to Gujarat 2002 Pogrom, but nevertheless  Orchestrated pogroms in ASSAM – 2013 and UP – Muzaffarnagar- 2013!   

5.     I am curious to KNOW from you as to why,  right around the DATE [ July 18, 2014 that too, on a Friday!] that  you  articulated in your article in The Hindu your apparently MASTERFUL but what I regard as a Superficial ANALYSIS of the events surrounding the ISIS that did not go Far back enough in to History to Find Out ALL the causes for the OVERALL TURMOIL in the Muslim World while Highlighting only LOCAL and RECENT CAUSAL   Connections to it; YOU did not FIND IT   interesting at all to “MAKE  EVEN a “BLOG  LENGTH of COMMENTS”  in the SAME Daily on that DATE or EVEN Subsequently till now, when ALL of us and YOU [Probably] were and are ENGAGED in  the RAGING  DEBATE over Gaza and there is an  International Umbrage and Muslim Rage over the CEASELESS INHUMAN / BARBARIC / GHOULISH  and truly MACABRE –AIR BORNE –BLITZKRIEG by the Supremacist / Zionist / Terrorist State of ISRAEL, using ADVANCED FIGHTER AIR CRAFTS to drop Tons and Tons of Concrete Blasting Bombs with Missiles Relentlessly  Pounding and Flattening Multi-storied Residential and Religious Places [Mosques] , against the 1.5 Million Civilian Population in Gaza that is ENTRAPPED within a 20 by 25 Kilometer Land Strip that Any time of Day or Night is found to be  Teeming with Harried, Frightened and  Scared for their and their loved one’s LIFE and LIMB men, women and CHILDREN who are in Abject Misery, with Shortages of all Kinds of Materials including Medicines; an issue concerning  an UNJUSTIFIED and UNJUSTIFIABLE  attack by the Supremacist / Zionist and Terrorist State of  ISRAEL that has by now [ July 20, 2014]  LEFT  350 innocent civilians dead AND nearly 2000 men, women AND  most  IMPORTANTLY CHILDREN as young as TWO YEARS OLD, severely injured with GRIEVOUS  INJURIES  that may leave those injured with PERMANENT DISABILITIES for their life,  out of which MORE than 50 % reportedly are women and children?!

6.    Obviously, an article by YOU on the above mentioned RAGING ISSUE of an UNJUST ZIONIST WAR, which has resurfaced once again within TWO YEARS of the last GHOULISH attack by the Same Supremacist / Zionist / Terrorist  State of Israel and against the same Civilian Palestinian  Population of Gaza to indulge in a FRESH  SADISTIC  MASSACRE to SPILL more Palestinian Blood so as to SATISFY its MACABRE / PSYCHOTIC / DRACULIAN  THIRST for “ENEMY BLOOD” that it NEEDS from TIME to TIME to RECUSITATE its SUPREMACIST belief that the JEWISH BLOOD is to be VALUED thousands of times more than that of OTHERS and ESPECIALLY so, as compared to the BLOOD of a PALESTINIAN! (  Note: This FORMULA was in fact enunciated by the RACIST MURDERER ARIEL SHARON Circa 2000 during Israel’s Illegal Occupation of Gaza after the Jenin Camp Massacre who later DIED a Miserable Death – LYING in EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL COMA for SEVEN LONG YEARS since  2007 till February 2014 ; We ALL, MILLIONS of sympathisers of the Palestinian VICTIMS in GAZA, many of whom include some SANE / SENSIBLE and HUMANE JEWS living across the World, hope and PRAY, cutting across our  RELIGIOUS DIVIDES, that a SIMILAR FATE would FALL upon the Current ZIONIST MURDERER - BENJAMIN NETANYAHU );  (ALSO NOTE : This FRESH attack is the Fifth or Sixth such BARBARIC ATTACK and OCCUPATION on GAZA by the Supremacist / Zionist and Terrorist State of Israel in the LAST Thirteen  Years AVERAGING Almost Once in Two and a Half years !); even if YOU are, from all indications,  ONLY a NAMESAKE Muslim, YOU would probably  NOT be ABLE to SELL such an ARTICLE with a Muslim sounding name of the author!

7.    AND HENCE you CHOOSE the TOPIC of “ISIS declared CALIPHATE” to FURTHER SENSATIONALISE  a  Sunni – Shia  TRIBAL WARFARE in areas Bordering Syria and Iraq and raise the hackles of all the ISLAMOPHOBIST to AMPLIFY the Already Wide Spread XENOPHOBIA against Muslims in all the Countries in which they are in  a MINORITY such as India, Myanmar, Srilanka, China, Australia and all the European and other western countries Including the US and all other counties in The Two American Continents and Africa.

         If you WRONGLY feel – (BUT I am sure of it that I am not WRONG), that I have been TOO HARSH on you, KINDLY go through the COMMENTS from the RIGHT – WING commentators that have appeared as APPRECIATIVE REACTIONS to  ALL the  (Three or Four) articles that you have got Published in The Hindu over the Last Three or Four Months to come to the same conclusions as MINE that you have been only ENHANCING / AGGRAVATING / AMPLIFYING the XENOPHOBIA against the Muslim Minority Community, not only in India but also elsewhere!

          KINDLY send me an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / RECEIPT of this “well meaning letter” to you – even if written HARSHLY due to the state of Extreme Distress I found myself in because of the FACT that you had chosen  ‘ISIS Caliphate issue’ that is nothing more than a “MIRAGE” or WILL end up as one SHORTLY, over the MOST REAL / PRESSING / HUMANITARIAN  issue of the SIXTH GENOCIDE of GAZAN PALESTINIANS within the LAST Thirteen Years by the 66 YEAR OLD Supremacist / Zionist /Terrorist State of ISRAEL, an issue for an article that ought to HAVE BEEN your PRIORITY as a Journalist who  Regularly Contributes through his very well Camouflaged Articles, Analysis after Analysis  on Endless and  Myriad Issues Dealing with Islam and the  Muslims the World Over at the Drop of a Hat, but most often Chooses and focuses  on  TOPICS for his articles Depending on his Consideration, MORE on the WIDE ACCEPTABILITY and FEASIBILITY of Successful Publication rather than  Prioritizing his Choices through TRUE JOURNALISTIC CONSIDERATIONS of True Significance / Relevance and above all TRUTH and EQUITY ! 

            AND finally to CONCLUDE – I request you and through you, many Other  “Namesake Muslim Journalists / Writers” of your ilk, who are in fact Nothing But Self Proclaimed  Modern, Right Liberal, APPARENTLY and POINTEDLY  Non- Practicing Muslims, who PROCLAIM from their House Tops that they Happen to be the “TIE wearing Muslims and NOT the Skull Cap wearing ones” to ESTABLISH their MODERN and SECULAR  [ Read : Pro- WEST and ZIONIST] CREDENTIALS, to STOP generating, spreading and amplifying,  through  ILL Thought ARTICLES / BOOKS, Islamophobia in General and in Particular  XENOPHOBIA against Muslim Minority Groups in Countries where they are in a Minority and are ALREADY under Tremendous Pressure due to Lack of Physical and Other Kinds of Security in their day to day life.   

The complete link to Hasan Suroor’s Article – “Under the shadow of the Caliphate” –The Hindu , July 18,2014 is :

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