Friday 16 January 2015

You, too, just might be an anti-semite

JANUARY 16, 2015 AT 2:59 AM
Commentary might as well be by Jeff Foxworthy – While French comedian Dieudonné has been convicted in court eight times on antisemitism charges, lucky for me, my shtick — being a redneck — is still legal in the United States. But with headlines in Britain and around the world screaming that 45% of English people hold anti-semitic views, I called my Jewish broker and got me some shares in British FEMA camp construction companies!
The 45% figure was according to a poll conducted by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism that I read about in The Daily Mail Newspaper. For those of you who live on a dirt road off of a dirt road, or your hounds chase away the paper boy, and you weren’t able to get a copy of the Daily Mail, but you are wondering whether you are an anti-Semite, I’ll explain to you what constitutes anti-Semitic views. Ready?

If you think that Jews have too much power in the media, then you are an anti-Semite. 

If you think that Jews believe they are better than other people, you might be an anti-Semite.

If you think that Jews talk about the Holocaust to get sympathy, chances are you are an anti-Semite.

If you believe that Jewish people chase money more than others, odds are you are an anti-Semite.

If you think Jews are not as honest in business as other people, it just may be that you are an anti-Semite.

If you think Jews loyalty to Israel makes them less loyal to the country they live in, well, I have news for you, you are an anti-semite.

And now for something completely different. A video by Dr. David Duke:

WHY Questioning HOLOCAUST is anti-Semite? AND by the way WHY does questioning the veracity of "HOLOCAUST" becomes a CRIME and  is not ALLOWED to be a PART of the "HOLY COW - FREEDOM of SPEECH"? Different YARDSTICKS for DIFFERENT SENSIBILITIES ? OR  a PURE and SIMPLE CASE of SICKENING DOUBLE STANDARDS of RACIST EUROPEANS?

The Complete Link for the article by Dr. David Duke:

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