Monday 2 February 2015

Reference to religious divide 'Unfortunate', but I endorse Obama's statement: Rajnath Singh - The Hindu

Reference to religious divide 'Unfortunate', but I endorse Obama's statement: Rajnath Singh - The Hindu

February 2,
2015 (EVENING)

February 2,
2015 (EVENING)

It is strange!
One wonders why Mr.Rajnath is coming up with this statement NOW, seven days
after OBAMA's DEPARTURE?! Did it take him this long to develop the necessary
courage to come out with this "WHINE"?(& probably this COURAGE
was INFUSED from the RSS since 'OBAMA sermon' was on SECULAR TREATMENT of
INDIA’s minorities, an idea that is ANATHEMA to them?)!

Mr. Rajnath
should be rest assured that those who EAGERLY WANT to become a US-SURROGATE / ASIA
- PIVOT (against China!)etc will have to TAKE 
in their stride from time to time, sermons & diktats from their
NEW  MASTER! After all, they say “Beggars
can’t be Choosers” & also, if one wants to ride a notoriously “Rogue HORSE”
then he should be prepared for “withstanding & tolerating its Hind LEG’s
KICKS” from time to time!

However, it’s a
different matter altogether that “OBAMA SPEAK” from SiriFort was TIMELY&
RELEVANT now when INDIA’s ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN has been reduced by Saffron
Fringe to “Production of 4 (Nay)5 (Nay)10 Children and especially and
exclusively  by ‘Hindu women’ apart from
“Manufacturing Centres  dealing in “Ghar
Vapsi”, “Love Jihad” and so on ?!

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